
Friday, September 13, 2013

What To Know When You Rent Vactors

Vactor trucks are a great way to get all the gunk out of tight places like sewer pipes. Their industrial-class construction and immense suction power will always be effective when you need them. However, since acquiring one can practically cost an arm and a leg, certain vactor providers allow leasing their vehicles to interested operators. There are some hurdles to jump when doing so.

First, take note of the provider's daily or hourly rental rates, which covers expenses such as fuel, piping, elbows, and hoses. The client operator should also have a Class-B driver's license with approval for Tank and Air Brakes, along with a customer credit line that will be taken into account when the rental will be made on credit.

The Vactor rental provider also plans insurance for their vehicles. In this respect, you'll have to provide a certificate of insurance stating that the vehicle will be insured for liability and damage coverage worth $1 million and comprehensives of up to $1,000. At the same time, the provider should be marked as the recipient of any loss payments, with the unit's engine number and VIN being noted, as well.

Renting a Vactor truck is essential when you only want one for a short-term cleaning job. It also helps your employees gain experience in handling them. 


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